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Green Leaves


  • I regularly facilitate healing circles and retreats, and offer classes and workshops in a variety of community and academic settings. Topics include: Mysticism & Social Change, Sustaining the Soul of Activism, Deepening the Well (multifaith spiritual formation), and several different courses on the life and work of Dr. Howard Thurman.


  • I have a part-time counseling practice engaging spiritual wisdom for healing, growth, and empowerment.



  • Guided Healing Meditations available free on InsightTimer - please "follow" my profile HERE to access soothing recorded meditations, including collaborations with Destiny Muhammad aka the "Harpist from the Hood."  (You can hear more of Destiny's work in some of the videos below.)

  • Resources for spiritually rooted activism, sustainability, and healing justice on my Substack HERE.

Living in the Both-And

"Living in the Both-And: Despair and Possibility in Perilous Times" presented at Thrive East Bay on May 6, 2018 in Oakland, CA. Featuring a closing musical performance by Destiny Muhammad.

Inner Oasis Meditation

A short guided healing meditation by Rev. Liza, with music by harpist Destiny Muhammad and the Pacific ocean (c) 2011.

A Prayer at the Year's End

As we enter the long nights, and vision for the coming year, this prayer is an offer of blessing from Dr. Liza. (Open license beats by The Passion HiFi and photo by Ryan Hutton via UnSplash.)

Honoring Howard Thurman - panelist

Dr. Liza Rankow was interviewed by filmmaker Martin Doblmeier as part of this webinar honoring the Legacy of Dr. Howard Thurman. (Her segment begins at 1:24:02.)

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Mysticism, Social Action & the Path of the Soul - The Cosmic We podcast

Dr. Liza Rankow on 'The Cosmic We' podcast, hosted

by Dr. Barbara A. Holmes and Dr. Donny Bryant of the Center for Action & Contemplation  (May 2024)





© 2021- 2024 by Liza J. Rankow - Spirituality & Social Transformation

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